Knowing two languages is having different personalities

Nov 18, 2021

I don’t know how non-writers’ minds work. I don’t know how other writers’ minds work. I hardly know how my mind works. That’s the goal, right? To make your mind work for your success. I can’t always be in charge of my mind. Maybe that’s why I’m just ok in life in general.

I didn’t want to write about the successful mind today. I did that recently, and I don’t like to repeat myself, as I often do. Most of the time, I’m losing my mind’s game.

(Knowing that,) I think it is funny that I’m bilingual. Sometimes I feel the need to write in English, other times in Portuguese.

Inspiration comes and goes in whatever language it pleases.

I think communication is the most beautiful skill in the world. We all need it. Big successes and failures happen because of our capacity to understand and, eventually, agree with each other.

I truly feel blessed to have the ability to read. It is as essential as breathing for most of us, but I think it is a blessing that should be used with care and respect.

I respect my blessing by reading as much as I can in both languages I know, and I’m always writing. I write because it is beautiful; I love the sound of the keyboard, and I’m enchanted with handwriting.

My handwriting is not beautiful. What enchants me is the process of sitting and writing until it hurts. Letting the thoughts fly from my head to the paper as a spell living the wound of a witch.

I feel like the most special person in the world when I’m handwriting.

Silly, right? Maybe for everyone else, for me, is everything.

I love knowing two languages because I have different personalities. It’s proven that the brain works differently when you are bilingual. I feel blessed to explore this new universe of seeing and understanding a completely different reality because I know English as a second language. It is beautiful, and no one is taking that from me.

Knowing two languages is having different personalities, and it is fun!

Of course, it is not the best of the world when I’m trying to make a phrase in one language and forget every word that would make the sentence make sense. I feel like an idiot and a fraud. I feel like someone wasting the most blessed gift of the universe in translation apps, but I use the apps anyway.

Translating is part of the blessing. I’m not always in control. I’m just one element of the fluid relationship the different sides of my brain have.

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